Insertion Water Flowmeters | Municipal Water
BackInsertion Water Flowmeters
Municipal WaterIndustry: Municipal Water Market
SIC Code: 91 11
Application: A major U.S. city located in the Midwestusesg bidirectional turbine flowmeters from HFC for inventory control. This municipality covers a wide geographic region that includes many counties, reservoirs, and pump stations. The bi-directional turbine flowmeters monitor inventory and move water as necessary within the user system depending upon demand.
System Requirements:
• Flowmeters were for use in 62″, 60″, and 36″ lines.
• Needed to be bi-directional.
• Needed to provide a “split” 4-20 mA output signal with 12 to 4 mA representing the reverse flow and 12 to 20 mA representing forward flow (this was a requirement of their DCS system).
• Flowmeter portion of the system had to be immersed in a flooded pit (electronics to be located remotely).
• Output from flowmeter was required to transmit over 500′ without any signal conditioning.
Solution: Bi-directional, adjustable insertion turbine flowmeters from the HP Series were provided. Meters included 2″ rotors to obtain repeatable flow rates as low as .25 FPS. Flowmeters were equipped with two magnetic pick-up coils located at 90 electrical degrees from one another. These outputs were sent to a remote Flowstar Model 2000, which included the quadrature bi-directional detection feature and a split 4-20 mA signal representing forward and reverse flow rates.
Hoffer Advantage: This customer originally considered two back-to-back Annubar flowmeters for each line’s forward and reverse flow measurement. In conjunction with the two flowmeters, they would require a flow switch to detect flow direction. This approach was significantly more costly and complex than the turbine flowmeter system.
• A single flowmeter was usable for bi-directional flow measurement.
• Flowstar flow computer provided a split 4-20 mA signal representing forward and reverse flow rates.
• Flowstar could provide linearization over the wide repeatable flow range provided by the insertion meter. This was critical because flow rates were low relative to the line size.
• Flowmeter must be watertight since meters will be installed in a pit that may flood.
Summary: The HP Series bi-directional insertion flowmeters allow the user to obtain economic flow rate/flow total information. This, in turn, enables the water utility to manage the potable water throughout the system. Flowmeters supplied are adjustable and installed through an isolation valve to allow users to service the flowmeters when necessary.
About Hoffer Flow Controls
Hoffer Flow Controls has been designing and manufacturing quality liquid turbine flowmeters and related process instrumentation for more than fifty years. Our initial experience was in the field of cryogenic flow measurement. Today our reputation in this field is synonymous with quality. Today Hoffer Flow Controls manufactures high-precision turbine flowmeters to measure clean liquids and gases throughout the processing industries. Please be sure to follow Hoffer Flow Control on Linked In
Insertion Water Flowmeters from Hoffer Flow Controls
Hoffer Turbine Flowmeters are available in a broad range of standard and special materials. The wide range of construction options allows for selecting the optimum combination of useful range, corrosion resistance, and operating life for a particular application. A low mass rotor design allows for a rapid dynamic response which permits the turbine flowmeter to be used in pulsating flow applications.
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